Privacy Policy

BismaBeauty is the only operator collecting or maintaining personal information through the website.
A member (any visitor or other person making use of the website) may contact using the following information:

Bisma Beauty
92 Kingfield Road 


Please review the Terms & Conditions of Usage.

The website actively collects information from its members such as first and last name, age, city and state, email address, gender, birth date, and information through signup forms, applications, voluntary surveys, sweepstakes, contests, purchases, and participation in public forums such as bulletin boards.
The site reserves the right to passively collect information related to site usage such as time spent on site, areas visited, and sites linked to and from. In the future, the site may collect additional information and may install cookies on members' hard drives.
The site allows members to make personal information available in public forums such as bulletin boards, to the extent the members choose to disclose such information.
If a member contacts any employee or affiliated person, a record of that correspondence may be kept.
The site is prohibited from conditioning a member's participation in an activity on the member's disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in such activity.

By using our website, you (the visitor) agree to allow third parties to process your IP address, in order to determine your location for the purpose of currency conversion. You also agree to have that currency stored in a session cookie in your browser (a temporary cookie which gets automatically removed when you close your browser). We do this in order for the selected currency to remain selected and consistent when browsing our website so that the prices can convert to your (the visitor) local currency.


Personal data is only used for marketing to members who have given their consent and for recordkeeping, site administration, activity on the site, and the completion of authorized transactions. Except for businesses that share ownership with the website, no third parties receive the personal information that is gathered from members. The website may ask third parties to evaluate specific personal data in order to provide it with advice on matters pertaining to marketing and demographics. These reviews will usually be conducted on an aggregated basis, and only after the third parties have promised to protect the privacy, security, and integrity of any data that is obtained.


A minor's parent or legal guardian may allow the gathering and use of that minor's personal data without approving its sharing with outside parties. The minor's membership on the site will end if parents review and delete the minor's personal information or refuse to allow the minor's personal information to be collected or used in the future. In any scenario, kindly send a note to the above-mentioned contact address via mail or fax: I agree (circle one) to Makeup Eraser collecting and using my child's personal information in accordance with the terms of the privacy policy that is printed above.

Date: _______________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________
Parent's Name (print): _____________________________________
Minor's Name (print): ______________________________________
Parent's e-mail: __________________________________________

Bisma Beauty
92 Kingfield Road 



You have the right to revoke your consent at any time if you are an EU resident and we are processing your personal data based on your consent. Please check the EU USERS BELOW paragraph below for further information about your rights as a data subject and to withdraw your permission.

Regardless of whether you are located in the EU or elsewhere, you may exercise the applicable opt-out options below.

Web Browser/Cookie-Based Opt-Out

By changing your web browser's choices, you can prevent or limit the placement of cookies on your computer or delete them from your browser. You may also manually remove cookies using a variety of apps.

Additionally, the online advertising sector offers websites where you can choose not to receive interest-based and targeted advertisements from us, our data partners, and other advertising partners who take part in self-regulatory programs. Opt-out from NAI advertising can be done at The DAA’s opt-out tool can be found at Users in the European Union who have given their consent for us to process their personal data using cookies and similar technologies can use the EDAA opt-out tool, which is available at

To be clear, you have to use the opt-out process for targeted adverts on every device and browser that you want to use. For instance, your mobile device will not be able to implement your opt-out if you have done so on your PC browser. On every device, you have to opt out separately. But once you've opted out on one device (the "Opted-Out Device"), we won't use that device's data to identify you for interest-based advertising on any other devices, and we won't use the Opted-Out Device's data to receive interest-based ads from other devices.

You might have to go through each opt-out procedure again if you remove cookies from your device or change its settings in any other way (e.g., by upgrading some devices or browsers), unless we are able to match the device as described above. You might still get advertising based on other general variables, including browser type or webpage context, even if you choose not to receive personalized ads based on cookies.